My computer freezes and when its not freezing all of the finer details of the cubes disappear when I orbit with just a black outline within the program. As I begin to copy and paste the pattern over and over to add floor height the computer immediately began to lag to a point where the entire sketchup program becomes completely unusable. I start by building a simple pattern that will be copy and pasted several times consisting of black blocks for the steel frame and transparent grey blocks for the glass windows. I begin to start with the tallest building in the city the Willis (Sears) Tower. I also have some other blocks that are slightly altered in dimension for finer details, but the entire city will be constructed from these individual pieces.

I’m creating the skyline similar to Minecraft, creating my own individual colored blocks that are 3x3ft (Minecraft is 1x1 Meter I believe), and every building will be built and composed of these individual blocks in lego-like fashion. So recently I was playing Minecraft and had downloaded a map that someone had made of the Chicago skyline and it inspired me to recreate my own version of the skyline in sketchup.